Child(ren) Held Hostage

I hope this Blog will prove helpful in the recognition and useful in deterrence of Parental Alienation.

I will undoubtedly be using this blog in part as a therapeutic venue. I will also use this blog as a communication portal to my children if they should choose to use it.

"Parental Alienation is about parents who place their own selfish needs above those of their defenseless children and in doing so, they deny them their right to love and be loved by both parents. Alienators do not fit the stereotype of the deficient and ill-equipment parent. Instead, these parents are generally articulate, resourceful, and competent in all other aspects of their lives – except in the realm of parenting. In fact, these individuals might easily be mistaken for ideal parents, except to the properly informed, because they profess love and concern for their children. What sets these individuals apart from other dysfunctional parents is their overwhelming commitment to meeting their own needs first. In doing so, they destroy the relationship their children have with the other parent – at whatever cost. ” Dr. Reena Sommer - Internationally Recognized Divorce and Custody Consultant
Don't forget to click on one of the videos below for powerful information!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Happy Birthday...

Happy Birthday on this special day Matthew. We are out in the middle of nowhere and couldn't get a good enough signal to put this out yesterday on your birthday.  I hope that you had a great birthday. My biological Aunt and my wife and me celebrated your birthday with dinner out and a relaxing evening of stories. The stories were about my Aunt growing up in New York as a child and about me and my brother as babies and the people that should have been in our lives that were taken from us as a result of a mother and father divorcing. What a tragedy, yet what a blessing I suppose.

Our wish for you on your special day is that you had a great day.
Happy Birhtday Matthew!

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